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Meet Conroy: “I was introduced to RIDE by one of my former co-workers who kept telling me about ride and would asking me almost daily to come and try it out. I’m someone who doesn’t typically liked being pushed out of my comfort zone but I finally caved and decided to give it a shot.”

Your go to coffee shop and why? What’s your order?
I’m a little biased with this answer but I would have to say my favourite coffee shop is Starbucks, why? Because I work there and like ride its a company full of diversity, community and inclusion. My favourite beverage is a Venti Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade, I could drink that all year round.

Do you have any animals? What are their names and breeds?
I have a 5 year old mini toy poodle named Mylo, short for MyLove. He’s my everything.

What’s your favourite quote? Why do you like it how does it make you feel?
Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to stay’’ -Dalai Lama. It holds a lot of meaning as someone who immigrated to Canada when I was 5 leaving behind the only home and family I ever knew. Having to watch my parents start over in a new country, struggle to adapt, to provide a fresh start and better opportunities for myself and siblings. It was one a quote I thought was powerful and really resonated with me. I have the quote also tattooed on my arm.

How did you find RIDE? Why do you continue to come to RIDE? And, what’s a song that’s tied to a memory that makes you smile and why?
So these 2 questions I decided to tie into one answer since they both happened around the same time. I was introduced to RIDE by one of my former co-workers who kept telling me about ride and would asking me almost daily to come and try it out. I’m someone who doesn’t typically liked being pushed out of my comfort zone but I finally caved and decided to give it a shot. My first class and core memory was a Pussycat Dolls themed class taught by Molly. At the time I had no idea what I was doing or which was my left/right leg I was supposed to be on but I had the most fun singing and dancing on the bike, specifically to the song ‘’I Hate this Part’’ by PCD. That class gave me goosebumps and will always hold a special place in my heart. Every time I hear that song it brings me back to that place and time, the feeling I had of uncertainty and nervousness but a sense of excitement, joy and gratitude afterwards.

Morning or night person? What time do you like to RIDE?
I am more of a night person so you can always catch me in the evenings at RIDE.

You can find (and say Hi!) to Conroy at our Vancouver studios and on Instagram here.