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THE COMMUNITY | Matthew Collins, Toronto

ride cycle club

Meet Matthew – though currently living in L.A, ask any Toronto Instructor (and most regulars) that he’s known around the studio as a regular RIDE OR DIE. Matthew’s energy and love of the RIDE community is infectious – his personality and passion for life are felt on and off the bike. We’re so grateful to have him as part of the Ossington family. Can’t wait to have you back, Matthew!

What do you do for your 9-5?

I am a Celebrity hairstylist living in LA.

If your bestie were to describe you in three words, what would they be?

Loyal, driven, and a child.

How long have you been coming to RIDE?

Since March 2019.

What motivates you to get your ass to class?

It gives me the most insane HIGH all day and shakes out anything bottled up inside me.

How has RIDE impacted your life?

I was a pack and a half a day smoker, I have now lost 35 pounds and am in the best shape of my life. It has shifted my entire mindset and shaped me more than I could ever have imagined it doing. I have been highly goal oriented but always focused on my career, with little to no time off. It has made me reevaluate balance/health, and cleared my mind to open up a path I had not seen before.

Outside of your “9-5” – tell us about all the badass things you’re up to?

9-5 has never been a thing for me I am more like 24/7 and mostly have no control over my schedule unfortunately. I am working on launching a brand, and have recently created, produced and hosted a documentary pilot, and well that’s all I can say for now 😉

In your opinion, what makes RIDE’s community so unique?

This is a hard one, as there are so many reasons and some I can’t even put into words. I did my first spin class in February of this year and since then have spun in 6 countries at over 20 studios…I can say with 100% conviction nothing compares, not even close to what RIDE does for the mind and body. It’s a space with such athletically driven people, and not just physically – I see this other sense of success from everyone that’s around. It is so accepting and welcoming of new people and at the same time constantly drives and pushes those who RIDE regularly. Let’s also put it this way…when I visit Toronto, I hardly see my friends because every spare minute is spent on a bike at RIDE, with new amazing people.

Favourite Instructor and why?

Well first of all, I think I have taken most instructors and I have yet nor do I ever think I could have a bad class at RIDE. Each and every Instructor is unique. I am gonna take the easy road and obvious one…if that magical unicorn name “ASHLEY” appears on the upcoming schedule I am doing whatever it takes to make it.

Best RIDE memory?

One day I did 3 RIDES before 1PM all front row…I remember my first RIDE not being able to stay up for more than 30 seconds only 8 months ago, and I did 150 minutes of it ❤️❤️❤️.

What other workouts do you do outside of RIDE?

I have just started to do yoga once a week, to help my body stretch out, but I also do a heavy stretch on my own for 15 min a day. I also try to do Barry’s Bootcamp once a week. But the bike is my first love and I try to never miss a day.

Song you’ve got on repeat?

The new Bon Iver album ii, and the song Faith.

If you were to give a s/o to a local entrepreneur, who would it be?

One of my best buds and old assistant David Nadicci is an amazing hairstylist and just opened the most beautiful private salon near Trinity Bellwood’s called “we are, we are” 890 Queen West. His Instagram is @nadicci, check him out. And also if you go I have been telling him to come to RIDE and he is nervous so drag him 😉

Describe your ideal Saturday.

A double class in the AM, smoothie and coffee after, then hit a farmers market, and bbq in my backyard with friends by the pool, relaxing the “California” way 😉

Who motivates you?

My friends, I am very blessed to have such successful and highly motivated friends, just hanging out with them inspires me and pushes me.

Fave quote or words to live by?

“You must be prepared to sacrifice who you are, to become who you are destined to be”.

Last book you read was….

“Essentialism” other than spin it’s the one other thing that impacted me so greatly this year, teaches you to find balance while being more productive than ever.

What does RIDE mean to you?

It opens up your soul so you can see deep inside yourself and remove all the shit that is polluting you and fill it with such positive energy. If you go to RIDE and you get this question, we all know we could speak on this for 6 hours straight minimum and annoy everyone around us that won’t get it. I love you RIDE CYCLE CLUB, please open in LA soon.